How I fast-tracked my way to Success

It may seem impossible to some but you can fast-track your way to success even through all the noise. I am going to share with you the three steps that I took.

(these steps are simple yet are crucial if you don’t want to fail)

1. Stay away from side hustle videos:

I despise these videos. If you are looking for a “remote job you can do from home.” Your best bet is to go on Indeed or some job search and look for these jobs. I ignore videos like this now that I know better and most are not legitimate jobs. You know what they say, if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. I’ve worked at so many factories and never made $45 per hour. I don’t think I can do that by just typing or leaving reviews at home.

2. Accounts with income claims:

I am not saying that all Income claims are bad. I understand that most of them are being used to motivate you and show you what is possible. Let me show you what I mean…

It’s one thing to say “How I made X amount of money in my first year with…”

Blogging, Digital Marketing, A YouTube channel, etc.

Thank you! I want to know what is possible to push myself to achieve my dreams.

The accounts I avoid are the

“How much money I made this week.”

“I made this much money today and it’s only 10:00 AM.”

“How much I made last month.”

“How much I made this month and we are only five days in.”

I stay away from these. They are very discouraging and they aren’t benefiting anyone but themselves. Unfortunately, they are everywhere. So depending on which platform I am on – Instagram especially, I tend to block or hide that content.

Once I did I became so much happier I got my optimism back and focused on my goals and how I could help others who felt the same way I did. If you read “My Story” then you know I tend to suffer from anxiety and depression as it is, so you can only imagine how downhill my mentality went. Trying to parent my kids, keep living life, and figure out how to make money from home was a nightmare. Not just for myself but it took its toll on my family as well. I was more irritable, more stressed, and overall unhappy.

That is NOT the way you want to feel when creating the life of your dreams. So this was a huge step that I needed to take. If these videos motivate you – more power to you!

3. The most important step – The Skills

You need to learn the basic skills to run an online business. In other terms – how to set up your entire business so you can start making sales. When I say online business this refers to Digital Marketing or Affiliate Marketing. I have searched for a course like this for five years! If you are ready to change your life and stop watching others live the life you could have only dreamed of. Then you need to check out my course Truly Passive.

Truly Passive is a mini course with an affordable price tag. It’s straightforward to follow. Once you complete the course you will feel motivated to put the skills you learned into play. The course modules may seem short and simple but they are jam-packed with valuable information!

The bottom line is to learn the skills, pick your niche then block out your competition and all the noise that doesn’t lead you to success. Your main priority is to focus on YOUR goals. You will feel more confident promoting your business and bringing what you have to offer.

This is my great advice.

Let me be honest with you:

SUCCESS STARTS WITH YOUR MIND. If your mind isn’t in the right place, no course will help you achieve that.

Take the course, pick your topic, apply the skills you learned immediately, and then start promoting your business in a way that fits you – posting content, running ads, etc.

Most importantly – Stick with it!

If you are ready to take action and learn the skills you need to create your online business, click the link below.

Truly Passive