4 steps: Get started with Digital Marketing!

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So you want to start an online business in digital marketing but you don’t know where to start? In this post, I am going to walk you through some of the basic steps you need to get started in Digital Marketing. I also want you to fully understand how it works before you purchase an overly expensive course.

Step One: Picking a Niche

You probably hear this one a lot but it’s true. You need to pick a niche to get started. This is the first step because this is where you are going to plan your online business and it needs to be created around this step!

How do you choose a Niche?

Think about some of the things you enjoy, think about your passions. What are some of your hobbies? Another way to find your niche is by looking at your qualifications. Did you go to school for something? Do you know an area that most people don’t? When people come to you for advice what are they asking you for? All of these questions can help you nail down a specific topic that is going to help you determine your online business.

If you want to see more specific Ideas on topics that are narrowed down, I have an entire E-book written out for you called “The Profitable Niche List! It also has a brief description of why they are profitable and how they can be used.

Subscribe here for the Profitable Niche List E-book!

Step Two: Creating A Domain

Once you know your niche, you can pick out a Domain! Your domain name should be simple, catchy, and reflect what you are all about. This is how you build a brand, and trust, and can be remembered and distinguished from your competitors. Domains are used as your username on social media, to name your website or blog, and for professional email purposes which you will NEED to get started in Digital Marketing!

Step Three: Funnel Creation

Have you ever heard of a sales funnel? They are everywhere online. Everything I am listing out for you in this post is the exact steps I knew I needed five years ago when I officially set out on my journey to make money online. The problem was I didn’t know what it was called and every course I took back then did not teach me the skills that I was looking for the entire time. When I finally discovered these skills on my own back in 2023 I knew I was in the right place! These skills are finally coming to light (or maybe I was just looking in the wrong areas) – but you should not have to pay hundreds of dollars to learn them!

In this step, you will either need to create a squeeze page or a sales page. Depending on whether you are an affiliate or decide to create a digital product.

Step Four: Promote

Finally, your online business is officially set up and ready to get out there! Once your business is set up you can find a social platform and start promoting! This can be Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter, Facebook etc. Whatever platform you are most comfortable or familiar with is a great place to start!

Ready to see these steps in Action?

I created a course called Truly Passive so you can start your own online business today! All you have to do is implement the step-by-step instructions inside the course so you can take action and feel confident in doing so! This is perfect for any beginner out there or anyone even remotely curious about how they can start their own online business doing what they love in not only a beginner-friendly way but also budget-friendly!

Make sure you check out Truly Passive – where all you have to do is start!