The Problem with Income Claims – What you need to know!

I despise income claims and find them to be a problem. In fact, I took a training on affiliate marketing and we were told not to make claims because basically as the training put it – it makes you look like a “douche.” I could see why they said that, but I noticed something different. Are you really paying for what you want to learn? Or are you just adding to the claim? Let’s look at the problem with income claims.

1) Numbers Sell

It may seem like a good marketing tactic because let’s face it numbers sell. That’s kind of the thing though – do you really want to start dropshipping? Or are you just interested in that potential number you may be hitting?

Income claims trick people into overnight success, if you aren’t interested in dropshipping then you most likely are not going to succeed. So don’t just jump in because of the numbers!

2) Shiny Object Syndrome

This is when you decide you no longer want to finish the side hustle you started so you jump into a different one.

Let’s go back to dropshipping, for example, you realized that maybe that wasn’t for you but then you saw a new income claim about blogging. So what do you do? You buy that blogging course because you are drawn in by the potential numbers you may hit. Again, you’re so infatuated with the income claim not really knowing if blogging is really right for you.

This is shiny object syndrome – you are so obsessed with the numbers and the outcome that you are jumping around never really giving yourself a chance at success. This is why you must decide on what it is you want to do then go all in & stick with it!

3) Income Claims have a Snowball Effect

That’s right they most certainly do. Income claims are the ultimate snowball effect. Customers are no longer buying into the product they are buying into the number. That number only gets higher and to be honest it’s not very genuine.

This puts a bad rap on people who really are just trying to help others and show them what’s really possible in terms of how to actually do something and be successful. Like how to build a blog, or create a course, or get started with dropshipping.

Final Thoughts!

Don’t buy into income claims! You are only adding fuel to the fire. Literally. If you really want to learn how to do something think it over and commit to it before you buy into it. I have taken plenty of courses myself because I fell for the income claim. When I was just another dollar sign adding to the claim.

Want to know what I learned? The affordable courses without the big claims were the ones that helped me the most. I didn’t have to spend hundreds of dollars & I didn’t need a huge claim to pull me in. They were strictly by my own choice & curiosity.

I do not post income claims. They affected my mental health greatly and I don’t want others to feel the way I did when I first started my journey. Next time you come across a course you are thinking about purchasing, do so because you have a genuine interest!

What do you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts, please comment below!

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