How to Start a Blog in 2024 the right way

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Today I want to share with you how to start a blog! I recently came across many other blog posts that may not be setting you up for success. I wanted to share how you can start a blog and start monetizing it from day one. Read through to learn more!

Step 1: Choosing a Domain for your Blog

This will always be the number one step! This is the name of your business. You want to pick a domain that reflects what you/your blog is all about. Always pick something simple & memorable with correct spelling! The most important thing is making it easy for others to find you.

Step 2: Creating a Website for your Blog

This is very important! You are going to want to sign up for web-hosting and I recommend Bluehost! I used to roll my eyes when I saw others recommending this because it seemed complicated and intimidating and it wasn’t free lol.

Even though that may be the case, it is a MUST. Especially if you want to be a successful blogger! It is quite easy once you do a little exploring and if you don’t understand how to do something YouTube has great tutorials – you should be able to solve most of your issues there! It may seem inconvenient and more time-consuming but it is WORTH it! Blogging is by far the cheapest investment you can make and if you stick with it – great rewards! Bluehost is only $1.99 per month for the basic plan which is all you need to start your blog, and I can’t tell you how great of a deal that is!

I tried all the other websites that others claimed to use to start a blog such as Squarespace and I can tell you from experience that is NOT the way to start a successful blog. WordPress equips bloggers with lots of tools to fully optimize their growth as a blogger. Paying in advance and at that low of a rate is also a huge WIN. You can focus on your blog for an entire year without worrying about paying a pricey monthly subscription fee reminding you every month “Is this even worth it?” Because you’re spending more money instead of making it.

We all know that takes time in the world of blogging. It can take up to a good 6 months to a year before you can start seeing an actual income so patience is key but so is getting your blog set up right and at an affordable price!

Step 3: Monetizing your Blog

Now that your blog is all set up you can start creating blog posts and monetizing your blog! One good way to start your blog is by signing up for affiliate programs. Depending on what your blog is about you are going to want to sign up for programs based on your niche. If you like to blog a little bit about everything then Amazon may be a good place to start!

Another way is through ads & sponsored posts. Although some of the better-paying ads you do need many page views a day/month there are some you can sign up for with no minimum requirements so do your research to find one that works!

Finally, one of the quickest ways is to create digital products – for example, a signature course. If you are good at something share your expertise through course creation! This can include becoming a makeup artist, photography and how to land clients, gardening for beginners, etc!

If you are unsure where to even begin when it comes to creating a course, setting up a sales funnel + automation, and linking payment methods. I created a course to help people do just that! I searched for these answers for many years and now I’m offering them to you for only $17!

Click here to learn more about my Signature Course!