Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Start a Blog

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Have you ever thought about starting a blog? I have for years before I finally decided to go all in. This is something I want to help you with and I strongly recommend you follow me and start one today! Every day that goes by that you don’t you’re going to wish you had. Here are my top three reasons why you should start a blog today!

Reason 1: Recession-Proof

This is probably one of the most important reasons. During times of uncertainty, you may start to worry. Am I going to get laid off? What happens if I lose my job? I’m not saying blogs are 100 percent recession-proof. Think about it, who’s going to be buying through your affiliate links if they are broke and out of a job? But if you monetize your blog from the start with ads, links, courses, sponsored posts, etc. You could be setting yourself up for success. If no one is working then they are probably spending more time scrolling through their phones…

Reason 2: Low Start-up Costs

Blogging is one of the cheapest business models you can start especially through Bluehost! At $1.99 per month, you can start a blog and have an entire year of growing and catering to your blog before worrying about making another payment. This is why I would never recommend any other website to run your blog. Not only because WordPress is by far the best platform for bloggers anyway in terms of setup, SEO, plugins, etc. But paying let’s say $30 a month for a website when you are just starting a blog is outrageous and your chances of failing because of those reoccurring monthly payments just got a whole lot easier…why? Because building a blog takes time! It’s going to take AT LEAST a few months before you start seeing any sort of traction. So don’t let those monthly payments discourage you and set you up for failure! Take my word for it. I’ve tried many business attempts – blogging exceeds all of them but definitely with the help of Bluehost!

Reason 3: Uncapped Earning Potential

As I mentioned in the first point of reasoning, blogging can provide you with multiple streams of income. Although it may take some time, the potential is there & doesn’t it sound worth it? Running a business is hard and requires lots of hard work and upkeep. I believe blogging is the best if you’re looking for something low-maintenance. Blogging is low-key and has helped me share my thoughts because trust me I have plenty lol. I don’t have to edit videos and scroll through my phone for hours. I’m much happier with my blog. Posting a new blog post once a week? Easy (for me). Posting 3 reels a day plus stories plus responding to comments plus trying to nail down a strategy? Not so easy.

Blogging too is a lot of work! Don’t get me wrong. But it’s more so in the beginning. You spend lots of time in the beginning setting up your blog and thinking of a business plan. You go through lots of trial and error. However, it’s SO worth it!

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